
This Bunny Comic 2006 to 2016!

The Year in ReviewThe Year in Review

Hello friends,

I was backing up some old files from my computer the other day, when I ran across a folder marked Old Files”. I had no idea what it was, or why I’d named it that, but the folder was nearly 3 gigabytes worth of data, so I thought I’d take a look. Inside was a copy of all the This Bunny Comics” and original artwork I’d made from November of 2006 till a couple years ago. Honestly, I had no idea I’d been making these (well, on and off…) for over ten years.

I’d love to say I had something in the works for this anniversary, but, the last year and a half have been… lets just say spare time has been at a minimum. So, I’ve put this little celebratory comic together for you, and as time permits there will be more. I’m working on posting a comic archive so you can read all the way back to the beginning.

I hope you’ve enjoyed This Bunny Comic” so far. Thank you for reading!


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